PhD student supervision
Other the past years, I have co-supervised PhD students in the domain of computer science applied to geographical information science. Current and graduated PhD students are listed below:Fournier Sébastien
Title : Integration of Spatial dimension in multiagent systems based on roles for simulation;
in maritime navigation domain
PhD defense in 2005
Assistant Professor at Université de Provence, LSIS Laboratory.
Noyon Valérie
Title : A relative and spatio-temporal model of geographic trajectories
PhD defense in 2007
Leader of GIS department at the city of Niort
Mascret Ariane
Title : GIS tool development to a seamless land/sea data integration with a landscape approach
PhD defense in 2010
Le Pors Thierry
Title : Integration of Expert Decision in Multi Agent Simulators: Application to Maritime
PhD defense in 2010
Engineer at Altran Group
Etienne Laurent (
Similarity analysis for moving objects with the same itinerary
PhD defense in 2010
Assistant Professor, Tours University
Abid Ahmed (
Semantic Web and Data Mining technics for dynamic and Semantics-Aware Service Oriented Architectures
supervise with Sfax University (Tunisia)
defense will be in 2016
Stefan Ivanovic (
Possibilities of using Volunteered Geographical Information – VGI for detection of potential updates in referential spatial databases COGIT Laboratory
Marwa Boulakbech (
web Services match-up, apply to tourism information system
defense will be in 2018